If you’ve recently (or not so recently) moved to Spain then it’s likely that you have either heard of, or utilised the services of, a Gestor. A Gestor is a role that is unique to Spain, and one for which there is no direct translation into English; Gestores fulfill the position of consultant, administrator, adviser, and accountant all rolled into one. Anyone who has spent any period of time in Spain will know that the bureaucratic processes in the country can be complicated, time-consuming, and difficult to comprehend, particularly if you’re not native to Spain. A Gestor can help to take care of many of these processes for you. Here’s everything you need to know about the role of the Gestor, and whether you should work with one when you’re living in Spain:
Understanding the Role of the Gestor
Gestores deal almost exclusively with state-related paperwork, and they operate in buildings called gestorías, which are licensed administrative offices. Hiring the service of a Gestor will provide you with the reassurance that your paperwork has been completed correctly, that no forms have been accidentally omitted, and that you won’t fall foul of the public administration system.
Many Britons are very vocal about the convolution of the Spanish bureaucratic process, but one positive to take from it is that it does make processes much more secure; the number of documents you need to present before you can buy or sell a car, for example, will give you the confidence that you aren’t buying a lemon!
The role of the Gestor is particularly important right now, as many public offices and administration buildings remain closed due to coronavirus restrictions, meaning that it is trickier than ever to complete some paperwork independently. Meanwhile Gestors continue to maintain a direct line of contact with these public offices, and are likely to be better-able to secure you the appointments, or stamp the documents, that you need.
What Could Gestores Help You With?
When deciding whether or not retaining the services of a Gestor will be the right choice for you, you need to be clear about what they can (and cannot) help you with. To help you with this, here is a full list of the services a good Gestor will offer:
Spanish Residency Applications
If you’re applying for residency in Spain then this is perhaps the most important matter a gestor can help with. They can help you secure the required documents, they know the foreign office staff personally meaning they can get the appointment times you need, and many will even attend these appointments with you. From gathering your documents to presenting them on your behalf, if you are dealing with any residency issues then working wih a Gestor will make the residency application process much more hassle-free.
Fiscal matters
If you are a salaried employee with a contract from a registered company (whether big or small) then they will take care of your paperwork for you, or assist you with any paperwork you need to complete yourself. But if you are self-employed then its likely you will need a Gestor to help you with the significant demands of your fiscal obligations. From payroll issues to contract disputes, tax declarations, or selling up your businesses, there are many more requirements for self-employed people in Spain than in many other countries, and a Gestor can take the pressure of this from you.
Securing Free National Health Care
If you’re finding it difficult to get a health card for your region, or don’t understand what the requirements are to secure free public healthcare in Spain then a Gestor can help you with this whole process, from start to finish.
Taxes and Other Processes
According to the most famous quote, only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. And that’s certainly the case in Spain! Whether it’s inheritance or gift tax, capital gains, transfer tax or stamp duty, property taxes such as IBI (land value tax), vehicle tax, ownership transfer or vehicle imports, gestores can handle the processing of any of the many tax requirements there are to pay in Spain.
Other processes your gestor could help you with? Divorce, marrigage, driving issues, wills, and a whole host of other administrative needs. Many Britons say that once they start working with a gestor, they don’t know how they’d live without one!
What Your Gestor Can’t Help You With
When it comes to administrative processes, your Gestor can help you with a wide array of different things, but there are a few things you should be aware of that Gestores can’t do: they cannot give certifications or attestations, for example, because the responsibility of legally approving official documents such as power of attorney or title deeds falls to a notary (notario) in Spain. Your Gestor also can’t legally represent you in court (that would be the job of a lawyer).
In Spain there’s also the “procurador”, (this is a court agent or representative ad litem) who is a legal expert that works with the lawyer on the preparation of documents to be presented in court, and this is a role that your Gestor can’t fulfill.
So Should You Work With a Gestor When You Move to Spain?
If you’re thinking of moving to Spain or living in Spain then it is likely that at some point, you will need or could benefit from the services of a gestor. They can navigate many of the complicated state systems on your behalf, and working with a gestor would give you the peace of mind of knowing that everything is being taken care of; you haven’t forgotten anything or missed anything out.
Gestores are also often able to get appointments and contact governments departments when they’re unresponsive or their online systems are not working properly, meaning this could also speed up processes for you and make it easier for you to get the appointments you need.
The average monthly gestor rates in Spain range from €25 to €75, and there are English-speaking gestores in most provinces with a large foreign population, meaning that it should be easy to find the right Gestor for you.
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