If you´re in the UK and are looking for a second home in another country, you should look to live in a progressive country. Health is one of the many aspects that define a country & ability to grow.
Some of the top causes of death are natural and physical ailments, ranging from heart disease to tuberculosis. These physical ailments can be prevented by making changes to your diet and exercise habits.
Today, no country tops Spain in health. In 2019, Spain was voted the healthiest country in the world. Read on to find out why and how you could live a healthier life by living in Spain.
Eating Habits
Spain is one of the countries that boasts a diet based on the Mediterranean Diet. This diet focuses on healthy fats and protein. These vitamins are heart-healthy, making Spain one of the lowest-risk countries for heart disease.
However, Spain still trumps other Mediterranean countries in terms of health — even Italy, the country that reigned the healthiest country before Spain. So, what does Spain do differently?
Let’s take a look at some of Spain’s staple foods. This includes Gazpacho Andaluz, (cold tomato soup), plenty of seafood (uh, paella anyone?), just about all of their meals include veggies, and they even boast some yummy salads.
Oh, and let’s not forget the tapas. The small-portioned meals that Spain is famous for. This helps you better manage your food intake and keep better track of your diet.
They Suffer From Fewer Diseases
Due to the Mediterranean diet, Spanish people suffer from fewer diseases compared to the rest of the world.
As mentioned before, the Mediterranean diet helps prevent cardiovascular disease. In addition, this diet is so powerful to ward off other serious ailments, including cancer.
The foods that have the power to prevent cancer include antioxidants, n-3 fatty acids (also known as omega-3 fatty acids), polyphenols, and monounsaturated fat.
Staple Spanish foods contain all of these ingredients. These include blood oranges (high in antioxidants, originating in Spain and Sicily), many types of fish (omega-3 fatty acids), nuts (polyphenols), and olive oil (monounsaturated fat).
They Suffer From Fewer Mental Disorders
Physical health isn’t the only health concept to know. Your mental health is just as important. Approximately 8 out of 10 Spaniards are happy.
Why are Spaniards happy? There could be a few reasons why. A major reason is the weather. Spain boasts beautiful weather all year-round.
Spain is also home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, some of the most incredible historic sites, and a lively culture.
The Spanish are also very active. They walk and exercise a lot, helping boost brain activity and promote mental benefits.
But the biggest culprit is the Spanish enjoy the simple pleasures in life and have a very relaxed culture.
Live in the Healthiest Country!
Spain was voted the healthiest country in 2019. Are you ready to take better care of your health? Buy a second home in Spain! Take a look at our listings today.