Top Tips For Selling Your Property In Spain Fast

Buying and selling property should be seen as a marathon not a sprint: especially in Spain where the bureaucratic process can be painfully slow. But the good news is that if you need to sell your Spanish property fast then there are ways that you can speed up the process.

There are loads of reasons you might need to sell your property fast, especially if you’re an overseas resident. Perhaps you need to free up your capital, are returning to your home country, or have decided to move to another country altogether.

The average house in Spain takes between 3 months and 1 year to sell. But don’t let those figures get you down: 21 percent are sold in approximately 90 days, and 20 percent in just one week. And there are ways to ensure your property is in the second category and not the first!

Here are our top 5 tips:

1. Price Your Property Competitively

If you put your property on the market for much more than its market value then it simply isn’t going to sell quickly. Putting a property on the market for its market value is one of the best ways to sell it within 30 days.
Work with your estate agent, study the market, and ask them to be honest with you about what your property is really worth. You could also look around your neighbourhood to see what other properties in the area are selling for or on the market for: are these properties identical to yours? Nicer? What makes your property unique? Use this when publishing ads online or working with your agency.

2. Have Your Paperwork Ready

The most time-consuming part of selling a property in Spain is completing all the paperwork. You can speed up the selling process by getting your paperwork in order before you have even found a buyer! Some of the paperwork you can complete in advance include the nota simple to show the property is registered under your name, the energy certification, the cédula de habitabilidad (certificate of liveability), plans of the property and the deed of sale from when you bought it. 
Even having your utility bills and property tax receipts will make selling your property faster once a buyer’s been found.

3. Calculate Your Fees

There are several fee payments that will have to be made when your property is sold. As a general rule of thumb these add up to between 5 and 15% of your sale price. If you know what fees you’ll have to pay and have that figure in mind then when an offer does come in foryour property, you’ll know whether you can afford to accept that offer or not.

4. Make Your Home Look Good!

First impressions count and that has never been more true than when you’re trying to sell your home. You’ll find that more buyers are interested in buying your property if you give it a fresh lick of paint, and make it look as bright as possible.
You should also depersonalise the property by removing any family photos or objects that wouldn’t appeal to a mass market. Clean, tidy, and replace anything that’s broken: even something as small as a leaking shower head could deter a buyer from investing in your property.

5. Be Prepared To Negotiate

Be open to negotiation, and seriously consider any offer that you’re given. Almost all buyers ask for discounts of between 5 and 20 percent, so you need be willing to negotiate to ultimately get a quick sale. Know the price that you’re prepared to accept so that you can respond quickly and don’t be afraid to counter-offer if the first offer doesn’t meet the figure that you need.

If you want to sell your property in Spain fast and you’re looking for a reputable, reliable, and expert estate agent to help you with the process then why not get in touch with Right Casa today?