Spain is a country well known for its complex and lengthy bureaucratic processes. In fact, many Spanish residents' joke that they spend so long queuing for paperwork, that they often join a queue without knowing what it’s for! The good news for Britons living in the Spain though is that in recent years, Spain has sought to digitalise its processes, meaning that nowadays more issues than ever can be completed online, and from the comfort of your own sofa.
Whilst the days of waiting weeks (or even months) for appointments, and standing in queues to get your paperwork stamped aren’t yet over yet, there are 23 things that you can do online if you’re hoping to drive officially in Spain. Here’s a list of these in full:
Everything You Can Do Online in Spain
- Consulta de puntos – Checking how many points you have on your licence
- Certificado de puntos – Getting a points certificate
- Duplicado del permiso de circulación por pérdida, robo o deterioro y de la tarjeta de la ITV – Request a duplicate of your licence and ITV card due to loss, theft or damage
- Solicitud del permiso de conducir internacional – Application for an international driver’s licence
- Cambio de dirección para notificaciones – Change of address for notifications
- Pago de multas – Payment of fines
- Presentación de escritos y comunicaciones – Presentation of written communication
- Consulta de notas de exámenes – Check exam results
- Registro de apoderamientos – Registration of power of attorney
- Presentación de alegaciones o recurso a una multa – Presentation of allegations or appealing a fine
- Compra de tasas – Payment of fees
- Curso de recuperación de puntos – Points recovery course
- Identificación del conductor que conducía tu vehículo – Identifying the driver who drove your car (in case of a penalty)
- Consulta de distintivo ambiental de un vehículo – Consult the environmental label of your car
- Transferencias de vehículos (cambio de titularidad en caso de compra-venta) – Vehicle transfers (change of ownership in case of purchase or sale)
- Notificación de venta de un vehículo – Notification of the sale of a vehicle
- Matriculación temporal para particulares (placas verdes) – Temporary registration for individuals (green plates)
- Solicitud de cita previa – Appointment request
- Informe del vehículo – Obtain a vehicle report
- Cambio de domicilio fiscal de vehículos – Change of tax address for vehicles
- Alta de un vehículo en baja temporal – Re-registration of a temporarily cancelled vehicle
- Baja definitiva por traslado del vehículo a otro país – Permanent de-registration of a vehicle that has been moved abroad
- Comunicación habitual del conductor – Registering a regular driver
If you choose to move to Spain and drive in Spain after Brexit, it’s important to note that you will need to pass your Spanish driving test to secure your license. This is a process that can be lengthy, but is no more difficult than taking the driving test in any other country.
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