The extreme heat that Spain and the rest of Europe are experiencing right now might seem like a dream from your home in the comparatively cooler UK. But the reality is that many people living in Spain are finding the heat difficult to deal with.
Even without this year’s heatwave, summer in Spain can be hot, with the average August temperatures reaching 28 degrees.
Perfect for enjoying water sports, catching a tan and days on the beach. But only if you know how to be sun safe.
With that in mind, here are our top tips for surviving the Spanish heat in summer:
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can be dangerous, and it can happen very quickly when the sun is hot. Because the warm temperatures cause your body temperature to rise, your body will respond by sweating in an attempt to cool you down. This causes you to lose your body’s water content and essential body salts, such as sodium and potassium.
The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink plenty of water to replenish this lost water supply. You should drink plenty of water when you’re working, exercising or even simply walking outside in the sun. WebMD recommends that you drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you need to drink 100 ounces of water each day. That’s around 3 litres of water.
If you’re exercising in summer then choose the coolest parts of the day (early morning or late evening) and drink an appropriate sports drink so that you can maintain your body’s electrolyte balance, as well as keeping up your usual water intake too.
Head to The Pool
One of the fastest and easiest ways to cool down when the weather is hot is to head to the pool. Many Spanish villas are equipped with either their own private pool or access to a communal pool. In fact, of the more than 1 million swimming pools in Spain, approximately 100,000 (or 10 percent) are privately owned communal swimming pools, which should make accessing a pool a doddle.
Swimming can help to lower your core body temperature, by lowering your skins temperature. It is also one of the best ways to exercise in the heat and, let’s face it, it’s a lot of fun! The key to swimming safely in the heat is to:
- Seek the shade where possible. If you have your own pool then consider putting a parasol over part of it to create some shade.
- Use sun protection with a high SPF. Because the sun reflects from the water, you are more likely to burn in the water than out of it.
- Don’t forget your flip flops! The decking or concrete around your pool is likely to be hot, and without shoes you could burn the soles of your feet.
If you don’t have easy access to a swimming pool then why not head to the beach instead? Our handy beach guide will help you find the best beaches in the Costa del Sol. You can spend time alternating between relaxing on the sea and cooling off in the sea: just avoid being on the beach in the heat of the day, when the risk of burning is high.
Keep Your Cool
Finally, whilst it may be hot outside, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of other places where you can keep your cool. Why not take a trip to the cinema to see this summer’s latest block buster or explore the cultural side of the country with a visit to a museum or art gallery? Museums are particularly useful in the summer, as you can wander aimlessly and soak up the culture whilst making the most of the air conditioning. All of these venues tend to be air conditioned, giving you plenty of options to enrich your mind when you don’t want to be outside during the hottest heat of the day.
You may also find it useful to know that in Spain, a ride on the public transport system can be a refreshing break from the summer sun. Almost all buses and metro systems are equipped with excellent air conditioning. In fact, when the sun is really blazing, many Spaniards enjoy the journey even more than reaching their destination!
Want to spend your days enjoying the Spanish heat, no matter what the time of year? We can help you with your Spanish property search. You’ll be living in your dream home in Spain in no time!