It's easier than you think to apply for Spanish residency.
We're going to tell you exactly what you need to know to legally spend the rest of your life enjoying the Costa Del Sol.
A Word About Brexit
Before we start, it's necessary to admit that no one can foretell the future. Therefore, it's uncertain how a potential break with the European Union would affect a citizen of the United Kingdom looking for Spanish residency.
However, let's look at what you can do now (while we're still all one big happy European family) to begin the process to gain residency.
How to Get Spanish Residency
The first step you need to take is one you'll enjoy -- move to Spain. The EU's Freedom of Movement Act allows you to move from the UK to Spain without a visa or special permit.
Within the first three months of your arrival, you're required to add your name to the Central Register of Foreign Nationals. You do so by registering in person at the nearest police station or Foreigner's Office.
You can book an appointment by phone if you're fluent in Spanish and possess a reasonable knowledge of Spanish bureaucracy.
Take a current passport or valid ID document along with proof that you have the financial means to care for yourself and any who are dependent upon you.
You can present savings and investment documents to prove your financial worth if you aren't not going to work while in Spain. If you are gainfully employed, you must show proof. For example, you can present a certificate of employment, or you can show your name on the Mercantile Registry.
If you are a student, offer the necessary papers to corroborate your enrollment at a recognized Spanish institution of learning.
Also be prepared to show proof that you have health insurance.
If all your papers are in order, you'll receive a resident certificate which lists your Foreigner's Identity Number (NIE).
The Importance of Your NIE
You'll need your NIE to conduct any proper business and banking in Spain. If the information on your resident certificate becomes outdated, you'll be responsible for making the authorities aware. For example, if you move to a new house, your address on the certificate has to be updated.
Don't leave your home without your resident certificate and some form of ID such as your passport.
The great thing about being a permanent resident of Spain is that you get to enjoy nearly all the benefits extended to Spanish citizens while still being a citizen of your native country.
How to Obtain Spanish Citizenship
However, if you're ready to take the big plunge and become a Spanish citizen, you'll have to relinquish your current citizenship and surrender your passport.
You can apply for Spanish citizenship after you've lived in Spain for 10 years.
There are ways, however, to become a Spanish citizen without waiting 10 years. The romantic way is to get married while in Spain to a Spanish citizen. The waiting period is also waived if you have a parent who holds Spanish citizenship.
Your Future Under the Spanish Sun
Moving can be an exciting but stressful event. Right Casa has the experience to make your transition an easy one.
Contact us today to learn how we can make your Spanish residency the next thrilling chapter in your life story.