From 3rd May to 15th May 2022, the people of Cordoba will open up their patios and gardens to the world in a wonderful display of floral craftsmanship. The Cordoba patio festival is perhaps one of the most famous (as well as one of the most unusual) in Spain, and this year’s event is highly anticipated as it is the first full festival since 2019, with coronavirus restrictions impacting the interim years.
La Fiesta de los Patios Cordobeses or Córdoba’s Patios Festival has been considered a UNESCO world heritage event since December 2012: impressive for an event whose primary function is to celebrate patios and courtyard gardens. But if the basic premise of the event doesn’t sound appealing then we assure you that, if you give it a go, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Here’s everything you need to know:
What is the Cordoba Patio Festival?
The Cordoba Patio festival is a traditional and long-standing event held in Cordoba, in the heart of Andalusia, where local residents open their patios and courtyard gardens for others to enjoy and explore. The residents of the city take the festival very seriously and their gardens are covered in a huge array of flowers and foliage, as well as statues, fountains, and other surprises. The festival is also a competition, and there is a prize for the resident who creates the most beautiful garden.
The festival is more than just an opportunity to look at beautiful flowers though: it is also an opportunity to chat with the locals and immerse yourself in Andalusian life. Because the residents of Cordoba are so proud of their creations, they stand in their gardens chatting happily to everyone who comes to enjoy they. Often, they will offer snacks and drinks, creating an upbeat and festive atmosphere.
The festival doesn’t just finish in the individual patios either. At the end of each day, it feels like the whole city comes out to celebrate. Each public square is adorned with twinkling lights and across the city you will find celebrations. These include live music and traditional dancing, singing and other entertainment, as well as opportunities for outdoor dining and stalls selling food, drinks, and occasionally locally made produce too.
When Can I Visit the Festival?
After a virtual online festival was held in 2020 and a much smaller covid-compliant event was held in 2021, this year the Cordoba patio festival is returned to glorious normality. This year the festival will take place from 3rd May to 15th May. The patios will be open for the general public to enjoy from 11am to 2pm session for the early birds, and from 6pm to 10pm if you’d like to enjoy the gardens during the evening. On the 15th May all of the patios will close at the slightly earlier time of 8.30pm.
You do not need to pay to enter the patios, nor do you need to reserve access or book tickets in advance, making this a fun and affordable adventure that the whole family can enjoy.
How Will I Know Where to Go?
Don’t worry, you won’t get lost! Cordoba is a relatively small city and the event organisers have produced an online map of the patios involved which you can find here. If you are unable to visit the event for any reason but still want to see all the patios then that same website will also offer a ‘virtual visit’ option.
This year there are 59 patios taking part in the event. This have been divided into six different routes for easy exploration: you can choose to enjoy just one or two of the routes, of commit to a full day out and visit all of them!
Will There Be Any Covid Rules in Place?
There will be no official covid rules in place for the festival, but as you are entering private property when you visit the festival patios, each homeowner has the right to decide whether they would like you to wear a face covering or not. A sign at the entrance to each patio will clearly state whether you should wear a mask or not.
You should also note that people are only opening their gardens and not their homes. You cannot use the toilet inside people’s properties, but there are public toilets available on the route throughout the city. You should also remember that these are small city gardens, not stately homes: some of the patios are very small with limited standing space available, so you should move on once you have enjoyed exploring the garden so that other visitors can have the same opportunity.
People with disabilities or reduced mobility may be able to visit specific patios that have been fitted out with special ramps. You can see which these are by accessing the map here.
Are you ready to buy property in Spain? Fancy having your own patio in Cordoba? Whether you’re looking for a home of your own or an investment property, our locally based property experts are perfectly placed to help you find the right property to meet all of your criteria. Why not get in touch with the team today?