Could You Be Paid to Take a Staycation in Spain?

As Spain begins to open up again, and Spanish residents and people living in Spain are given more freedom to travel across the country, twelve of the nation’s autonomous regions have decided to give the floundering tourism industry a boost by offering their residents holiday vouchers to incentivise them to stay in the country and explore the beautiful region they live in for their summer holiday. Some regions are extending this offer to other parts of Spain too. Spain has a lot to offer staycation-hunters: glorious weather, a rich cultural heritage, and plenty of things to see and do. Here is a full list of the twelve regions involved in this scheme, and what kind of holiday vouchers and incentives they are offering:


In Andalusia, anyone who is living in, and is registered at a town hall in the region is entitled to an ‘Andalusian tourist voucher.’ This voucher affords eligible residents a 25 percent discount on accommodation and breakfasts at certain hotels in the region; some hotels are offering discounts of up to 50 percent. If you are over the age of 65 or under the age of 25 then these extra discounts could mean you get up to €500 of your hotel stay of up to four nights. You can find out more about the Andalusian scheme here.


In Aragon the tourist discount scheme is open to residents from all over Spain. This gives a discount of up to 40 percent, with the maximum discount per person being €300 Find out more here.

The Balearic Islands

If you are a Balearic resident then you could visit any of the islands that make up the Balearic Islands for your summer holiday, and you would be eligible for up to €100 per person discount on your stay. To find out more about how to apply for this discount, click here.

Castilla-La Mancha

ThoughCastilla-La Mancha has launched a region-wide holiday subsidy scheme, the discounts involved are pretty paultry compared to those being offered by other Spanish regions this summer. Never the less, if you live in Castilla-La Mancha then you could receive a nightly discount of up to €12 for hostels, up to €20 for two and three-star hotels and up to €30 for the top hotels for the duration of your stay. Find out more here.


In contrast to Castilla-La Mancha, the discounts offered inCastilla-León are significant. All visitors to the region (including, potentially, visitors from overseas) will be able to secure €250, €500 or €700 holiday bonuses through its prepaid card “Disfruta” and “Disfruta Plus Agencias”. This is an incredibly generous scheme, and you can Find out more about it here.


Extramadura is also offering their tourist voucher discounts to visitors from all over Spain. These discounts vary from 50 to 75 percent and can be used on both accommodation and activities. As the western region comprises of two provinces, the discounts available will be different depending on the region you choose to visit. Find out more about the scheme and the discounts available.


If you are a Galician resident then you can visit your local bank and collect a tourist card, which you can use to pay for hotels and holidays, and which will offer discount rates depending on how much you spend. If you add €200 to the card then you will be given €500, €375 if they pay in €150 and €250 if they top up €100. Find out more here.

Canary Islands

In a similar scheme, the local government in the Canary islands are also considering rolling out a prepaid card for their own residents. This scheme would offer the 50,000 residents of the Canary Islands vouchers worth up to €200 to spend on their summer holidays on one of the islands in the group. It is not yet known whether this scheme will be rolled out to tourists from other regions, but it is hoped that it will.


The holiday discount scheme in Madrid is available to any visitor from across Spain who chooses to spend their summer holiday in the nation’s capital. You can receive discounts of up to 50% of your accommodation and other tourist attractions, with the maximum discount available being €600 per person. Interested? You can find out more here.

The Basque Country

In The Basque Country you can apply for the Euskadi Turismo voucher. This is a limited time only voucher scheme which offers discounts of between 25 to 30 percent on selected tourism expenses. These expenses can include your accommodation, dining, and tourist activities. Visit the website to find out more about the scheme, and the discounts available.

Valencia region

Finally, the Valencian government has established a scheme where it will pay for 70 percent of tourism costs for registered residents (padrón in Alicante, Valencia or Castellón provinces) who choose to stay in the region for their holiday this summer. This scheme will pay for hotels or other accomodation costs, hotel services and dining, but it won’t cover the cost of alcohol or any pay-per-view TV usage. This scheme will run from September 15th to December 31st 2021, and if you want to be involved in this offer then you have to register between September 15th and November 1st.

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