Emergency services: They’re the heroes we hope we’re never going to have to call, but it's reassuring to know that they’re always there! Whether you’re living in Spain or just visiting the country for a short holiday, crimes, accidents, and emergencies can happen anywhere you are in the world. So it makes sense to plan ahead and be prepared, by knowing the right numbers to call if you ever need emergency help or support.
With that in mind, here is our quick directory of the most important emergency numbers in Spain. Write them in your diary, bookmark this page on your phone, or print them out and stick them on your fridge! It’s important to note that whilst some Spanish emergency service operators will speak English, many will not. It may be handy to learn a few key phrases you can use over the phone in case of an emergency (such as your address and the different, most common types of emergency) and we would also recommend that you find a trusted Spanish or Spanish speaking friend who could help you in the case of an emergency.
The Important Emergency Numbers to Call
If you have a key emergency and require the police, fire brigade, or an ambulance then the number to call, no matter where you are in Spain, is 112. You don’t need to dial an area code, and the operator should be able to speak a range of different languages, including English. If you have a disability that makes speaking on the phone difficult then you can also send an SMS text message or a fax to the number 112 and you will also get help and support when you need it.
Knowing What to Say
So, you’ve reached the emergency services that you need, but what should you say? Whilst you should find that the operative on the end of the phone is able to speak English, if they are unable to them you may find that the following phrases come in handy:
Pharmacy: farmacia
Doctor: médico
Serious illness: enfermedad grave
I’d like to report a crime: Quiero hacer una denuncia./Quiero denunciar un crimen.
I need you to send me an ambulance: Necesito una ambulancia./Necesito que me envíen una ambulancia.
My house is burning down: Mi casa está quemandose.
I live at…: Vivo en…
Help! (emergency): socorro
Accident: accidente
Emergency services: servicios de urgencia
Other Numbers You Should Know
Of course, unfortunately, there are far more than just three types of emergencies you can experience, no matter where in the world you are living. If you find that you need assistance for any reason during your time in Spain, then it’s likely that you will find the number you need in the comprehensive list below:
Local Police
Whilst 112 is the right number if you need emergency assistance, if you need to contact the local police for a non-emergency then the right number to call is 092. The local police on this number will be able to help you with traffic issues, lost properties, minor thefts, and other minor neighbourhood issues.
Civil Guard
You might not have heard of the Civil Guard, but they are a police force that falls under the military umbrella and operates mostly in rural areas. They are responsible for drug crimes, robberies, murders, and car accidents that lead to fatalities. You can contact the Civil Guard on 062.
National Police
The National Police, as the name suggests, deal with issues that affect Spanish residents on a national level. These include terrorism, national security, and high level crime. There are a myriad of ways you can contact the National Police, including calling 091 or visiting www.policia.es and contact the appropriate department online. You can also find them on Twitter @policia
Maritime Sea Rescue
If you’re spending your time lounging on the beach or paddling in the ocean on the Costa del Sol then it may be helpful to know the contact details for the Maritime Sea Rescue. The best number to call is 900 202 202
The Red Cross
The Red Cross can help you with medical emergencies, and you can also contact them if you wish to donate blood. Their 24/7 helpline number is 900 100 333, whilst their direct dial number for blood donors is 900 506 819.
Tourist Helpline
If you’re a tourist in Spain and want to report a crime then the best number to call is 902 102 112. It is likely that you will then need to follow up this call with a visit to your local police station, in order to secure a valid crime number.
Road Traffic and Accidents
Want to make sure your journey isn’t going to be delayed by a traffic jam or road traffic accident? Call 011.
Crime Victim Support Service
Have you been a victim of crime? It is something that can be hard to forget, and can often have a long term effect on mental and physical health. If you have been a victim of crime and feel you need extra support then you can call 900 150 909
Support for Women
If you have been a victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence then you can call 900 100 009. For any other support for women there is a 24 hour helpline available at 900 580 888
The Best of the Rest
Other helplines and organisations that you may find are helpful, depending on your individual circumstances, include:
- Phone gender violence: 016 | 900 116 016
- Health and pharmacy information: 900 161 161
- Anti-poison and drugs helpline: 915 620 420
- Child and teenage abuse: Kids helpline 900 202 010 | adults and family 600 505 152 | missing children 116 000
- Suicide, crisis and support line: | 902 500 002
- Drug addiction support : 900 161 515
- Spanish AID/HIV foundation : 932 681 484
- AIDS/HIV helpline: 902 424 424
- Emergency vet: 963 744 731
- Emergency dentist: 961 496 199
- Elderly helpline: 900 222 223
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