Each year, there are eight national public holidays in Spain. You will also benefit from up to 14 local public holidays, depending on the region of Spain that you live. Public holidays in Spain are exciting occasions where most Spaniards are not expected to work and almost all shops, restaurants, banks and other businesses will close to give their employees a day off.
Public holidays are referred to as días festivos in Spain, or just festivos. They’re divided into nacionales (national), autonómicos (regional) and in some cases locales (local ie. city, island etc). So if you see an autonomicos festivos being advertised, you shouldn’t automatically assume that this will translate to a day off in your region. It’s also worth noting that if a fixed public holiday falls on a weekend day, it will be up to the regional governments to decide whether they will offer their citizens a day off in lieu on the next available weekday.
Knowing when the public holidays in the Spain are is essential if you live in Spain, as you can use these to your advantage when planning your holidays and short breaks, whilst minimizing the amount of time you’ll need to take off from work. With this in mind, here is a full break down of all of the national and regional public holidays that you will enjoy in Spain in 2022:
National Public Holidays in Spain in 2022
- Saturday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
- Thursday, January 6th (Epiphany)
- Friday, April 15th (Good Friday)
- Monday, August 15th (Assumption of the Virgin)
- Wednesday, October 12th (National Day of Spain)
- Tuesday, November 1st (All Saints’ Day)
- Tuesday, December 6th (Spanish Constitution Day)
- Thursday, December 8th (Immaculate Conception Day)
Regional holidays across Spain in 2022
As the name suggests, Spanish regional holidays vary from region to region. What’s more, because many public holidays fall on a Sunday this year, the way that each region will deal with this also differs: some regions have opted to offer a day off the day before the holiday weekend, others are offering a day off the day after the holiday weekend, and some regions are not moving the holiday at all. You may also find that there are other regional holidays that are celebrated, but are not included on this list: as these are chosen at a local level, there are too many of these variants to list here.
Each Spanish region, and the dates of their public holidays in 2022, are outlined below:
Andalusia: February 28th, April 14th, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st) and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Aragón: April 14th and 23rd, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st) and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Asturias: April 14th, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st), September 8th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Balearic Islands: March 1st, April 14th, April 18th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Basque Country: April 14th and 18th, July 25th and September 6th (in lieu of December 25th).
Canary Islands: April 14th, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st), May 30th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th). Individual islands also have public holidays on February 2nd (Tenerife), August 5th (La Palma), September 8th (Gran Canaria), September 15th (Lanzarote and La Graciosa), September 16th (Fuerteventura), September 24th (El Hierro) and October 3rd (La Gomera).
Cantabria: April 14th (in lieu of May 1st), July 28th, September 15th and December 26th (instead of December 25th).
Castilla-La Mancha: on April 14th, May 31st, June 16th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Castilla y León: April 14th, April 23rd, May 2nd (in lieuof May 1st) and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Catalonia: April 5th, June 24th and September 11th.
Extremadura: April 14th, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st), September 8th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Galicia: June 24th, May 17th (in lieu of May 1st), June 24th (in lieu of December 25th), July 25th.
La Rioja: April 14th and 18th (in lieu of May 1st), June 9th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Madrid: April 14th, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st), July 25th and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Murcia: June 9th, April 14th, May 2nd (in lieu of May 1st) and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Navarre: April 14th and 18th, July 25th and December 3rd, 6th and 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Valencian Region: March 19th, April 14th, April 18th and June 24th.
Melilla: April 14th, May 3rd, July 11th (in lieu of March 19th), September 8th and 17th, and December 26th (in lieu of December 25th).
Ceuta: April 14th, May 3rd, June 13th, July 9th, August 5th and September 2nd.
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